DAY 1 in Canada - if it all continues like this.....
This was in a way our wake-up day after our long trip. Getting used to Canadian and Pacific habits. Not difficult at all. It is not only a nice place here. It is also a place, where you very quickly feel at home :-) It is in many ways very European - but also very different. The time difference of 9 hours from home is the most striking different. In order to be aware of that I have decided to carry two watches: on the right arm with Canadian-Pacific time and on the right arm with Central European time! The name Vancouver ( the stress is on 'cou, when you pronounce it correctly ) comes from the British naval discoverer George Vancouver ( 1757-98 ). He traveled with his ship all over the Pacific coast around here and made it a British possession. Therefore, you find his name - not only in this city, but as the name of a smaller town in the State of Washington in the US just south of here and also of Mount Vancouver in Alaska. And the pro...